The Pack Llama Trail Association (PLTA) is a nonprofit corporation created in 1999 under Idaho code. Its mission is to preserve and promote working llamas through education of PLTA members and the public as to the breeding, raising, training, care, and safe and humane uses of working llamas as companions. This is a volunteer organization created, managed and run by the effort of numerous generous individuals.
What We Offer
In a nutshell, what we offer to our members and the public is know-how. This effort began with the creation of Pack Trials as a way to demonstrate the skill and natural ability of pack llamas that were being trained by members. The trials are a means of testing llamas against a written standard that allows evaluation and recognition of a llama's ability to perform in realistic packing conditions. Four levels of ability are recognized. Llamas earning certification as PLTA packers have demonstrated true packing skill.
While Pack Trials remain an excellent tool for demonstrating accomplishments, we continue to explore and develop ways to encourage and educate. Our Mileage Program helps keep us and our llamas moving, while the Packers Primer provides a format for educational workshops.
We Love To Share
You will find that members of the PLTA enjoy sharing their knowledge and expertise. Many are happy to mentor people new to the world of working llamas or looking for expertise in particular areas. Certifiers, Program Managers, Mentors, and members of the Board of Directors can field your inquiries and direct you to people who can assist you.
It is our goal is to create an ongoing conversation about the safe and humane use of working llamas. We look forward to being able to provide support for you and your interests. We welcome you to join us in our endeavors.