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Trail Guide

Burns Llama Trailblazers Pack String in snags under Rabbit Ears, Strawberry Mtn. Wilderness

Long a dream of past president Nancy Hester, the Trail Guide is an area of the site where llama packers can post descriptions of llama-friendly places to go. The content for the Trail Guide is not limited to trails, rather it is designed to be a repository of information about great places to take your llama whether it be for hiking, packing, carting, or any other activity you enjoy with your llama companion.

Please do not let fear of writing make you hesitate to send your information. We will review and adjust your submission for publishing on the site.

In order for your submission to be most useful, you may use the form PLTA Trail Guide Submission Form (pdf, 12kb). It will help you cover all the topics. Images are very welcome. We look forward to hearing from you. Please send submissions to


Please Send Forms to:

PLTA Data Manager
575 E. Jefferson St.
Burns, Oregon 977720
Phone: (541) 413-0341

Please Send Payments to:

PLTA Treasurer
15260 S. Poe Valley Rd.
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603
Phone: (541) 205-2853

For Information About the PLTA Contact:

Becky Cunningham
PLTA President
29430 Radar Lane
Burns, Oregon   97720     
Phone: (541) 589-0840