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How to Become a Pack Trial Certifier

Changes to Requirements for
Becoming an
Authorized PLTA Pack Trial Certifier

May 18, 2021


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On March 16th 2021 the PLTA Board of Directors revised the requirements for becoming an authorized PLTA certifier. Authorization has been divided into two levels: certifiers authorized at the Basic and Advanced levels, and those authorized at Basic through Elite levels.

A need for more certifiers has long been recognized, but the requirements to apprentice at the Master level in order to certify any trail has become a limitation in recruiting new staff. The board recognized that at this time, since few people hold Master or Elite trials, the need for certifiers at the Basic and Advanced level is far more acute than at the higher levels. They determined to change requirements accordingly.

The board is anxious to provide certifiers where they are needed most and hope these changes will encourage more PLTA members to become certifiers.

Previous Requirements

Up until now certifiers have been authorized by the PLTA through mentoring and on-the-ground experience. Certifiers were expected to have successfully completed a written exam and have at least the following experience:

      • Overnight llama packing experience
      • Completion of at least two PLTA sanctioned Master level pack trials
      • Apprenticeship under an authorized PLTA pack trial certifier at one additional Advanced or Master level trial
      •  Overnight llama packing experience
      • Completion of at least one PLTA sanctioned Master level pack trial
      • Attendance at a PLTA Trial Certifier Training Workshop

Revised Requirements

Basic and Advance Level Authorization

The candidate must complete a written test examining knowledge of pack trial standards and requirements at all levels and

      • Have overnight llama packing experience
      • Completed at least two PLTA sanctioned Advanced pack trials
      • Apprenticed under an authorized PLTA pack trial certifier at one or more Advanced Trials
      • Overnight llama packing experience
      • Completion of at least one PLTA sanctioned Advanced pack trial
      • Attendance at a PLTA Trial Certifier Training Workshop

Basic through Elite Level Authorization

The candidate must complete a written test examining knowledge of pack trial standards and requirements at all levels and have

      • Overnight llama packing experience
      • Completed at least two PLTA sanctioned Master level pack trials
      • Apprenticed under an approved trial certifier at one additional Advanced or Master level trial
      • Overnight llama packing experience
      • Completed of at least one PLTA sanctioned Master level pack trials
      • Attended a PLTA Trial Certifier Training Workshop

Maintaining Authorization

The PLTA board recognizes that pack trial standards and requirements may change over time, and that certifying a trial is a skill that requires knowledge and experience, therefore they have determined that in order to retain authorization certifiers must

      • Certify a trial at least once every three years
      • Successfully repeat the written exam if they haven’t certified a trial in three years
      • Repeat field training if they have been out of action for longer than five years

If an Elite certifier hasn’t been active for over three years they will be offered the option of forgoing field training and downgrading their qualification to Basic/Advanced with successful completion of a written test.

Proof of Authorization

PLTA members who have successfully completed requirements to become an authorized certifier will be issued a diploma that will designate the authorization level they have attained and the date requirements were completed. The diploma will be signed by the PLTA president.

All currently active certifiers will also be issued diplomas.

If you have questions, comments or constructive suggestions regarding the requirements for becoming a Certifier, please contact the PLTA Board of Directors (see the 'Contacts' tab on this website.)