Pack Trial In A Box: What You Need With You for Running The Trial
Pack Trial in a Box is the brain child of Becky Cunningham and Anne Sheeter of Burns Llama Trailblazers. For over fifteen years they have been hosting pack trials annually as well as helping other groups do so. On occasion they have found themselves at a remote trailhead without the necessary items to get the event going. Simple things like a lack of pencils or the right forms can sidetrack months of planning.
In their 'Pack Trial in a Box' Becky and Anne have listed all the items they want with them at the staging area. It is their long term dream/vision that when someone sanctions a pack trial with the PLTA, they will receive not only a mentor to help them set up their trial, but an actual box containing all the necessary items. That situation is far down the road. In the interim, the list of what goes in the box is available for your use. Becky and Anne hope that it make your trial days a bit less adventurous than some of theirs. They welcome your feedback.
- Pack Trial in a Box 269KB, pdf file)
Program Links
PLTA Challenge Program Rules and Procedures
PLTA Mileage Program
Packer's Primer Details
Challenge Forms
PLTA Programs
Packer's Challenge
Pack Trials
Pack Trial Forms
Pack Trial In A Box: What You Need With You for Running The Trial
PLTA Pack Trial Manual: How to Stage a Pack Trial Event
How to Become a Pack Trial Certifier
Pack Trial Governance Committee
Late Fees